Written Works

Remembering Kris

In this post, I remember my friend Kris Benson, who lost his life to suicide at Columba Correctional Institution's main unit during the COVID-19 pandemic.

2023 Santa Fe College's Free to Learn Initiative and Symposium

In March of 2023 I was a guest on the Santa Fe College's <i>Free to Learn</i> podcast, wherein I talked about my expereinces with higher education in prison, as well as my adjustment after release. Later, in April, I participated in the associated Summer Symposium.

The Difference in Weight

The following short story, written in mid to late 2019, was published in the collection "More than our Blues," which is available for purchase on Amazon. The profits from the book support the work of my currently incarcerated peers.


A work of Fiction, initially written sometime around late 2017

Graduation Day Speech

I had the honor of delivering the ceremonial speech on graduation day for the Florida Gateway College Second Chance Pell graduation in May 2018. Here is the speech I gave.


A Drama, initially written sometime around late 2017

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Written Works